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Our Services.

With our modern schedules spent juggling career ambitions, family matters, household responsibilities, and lifestyle pursuits, many of us allow our financial affairs to inadvertently fall by the wayside. The services offered by Strada Wealth Advisors are designed to help clients get their financial life in order and to keep it on track.

Investment Management

Whether you're seeking aggressive growth or capital preservation, whether your career is just taking off or you're already well into your retirement, we manage your portfolio based on your particular circumstances and goals.

Financial Planning

           We evaluate your current financial situation and equip you with cost-effective strategies for the management of cash flow, investments, debt, and taxes based upon your lifestyle and financial goals. It’s time to take control of your financial future.

Pre-Retirement Planning

You've worked hard and saved diligently, but you're not sure whether you're financially prepared for retirement. We assess your situation and provide you with the confidence to make the transition into financial independence.

Retirement Planning

For most retirees Social Security only covers one third of their expenses. We help clients develop solutions to bridge that gap and meet their income needs, allowing them to focus on enjoying their hard-earned retirement years.

Life Events

Life offers many defining moments and triumphs including job changes, purchasing or selling a home, getting married, or starting a family. On the other hand, we may experience the hardships of divorce or the death of a loved one. We guide you through these transitions, examine the impact to your financial condition, and provide direction for the future.

Legacy Planning

Whether it involves passing on wealth to the next generation or supporting charitable causes, we provide strategies to help you create and maintain a holistic legacy plan while considering your tax objectives.

Small Business Retirement Plans

Regrettably, roughly 25% of Americans have nothing at all saved for retirement. For business owners interested in offering a key benefit to employees, we provide guidance for selecting and managing an employer-sponsored retirement plan.