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Our Team.

Meet the Strada Team

James Matt Photo James Matt Hover Photo
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James Matt

Wealth Advisor • Partner


James began his investment career in 1994, working at Putnam Investments in Boston. Five years later, with a desire to get back out West (he's originally from Colorado), he moved across the country to work for Fidelity Investments in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he managed high net-worth clients' portfolios for ten years.  Beginning in 2009 James entered the independent advisor world as a fiduciary and strongly believes this model is the gold standard for clients and advisors. Although James is not fond of the term, he prides himself on his "retention rate" with clients because it is indicative of the relationships he has built with generations of families throughout the years.  James lives in Scottsdale with his wife, daughter and adventure dog.  He enjoys traveling, cycling, cooking and listening to music as it's good for the soul.  



Michael Otterson Photo Michael Otterson Hover Photo
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Michael Otterson

Wealth Advisor • Partner


Michael is passionate about helping people achieve financial security. Since he began his career in 2005, he's encountered far too many clients who were ill-prepared for retirement, let alone financial independence. After spending over a dozen years in the large corporate environment with Fidelity Investments and Transamerica Retirement Solutions, Michael made the leap to the independent investment advisory world. Now, as a fiduciary, he is able to focus on providing solutions to clients, rather than selling products. Michael lives in Bountiful, Utah with his wife and two young boys. They enjoy the many outdoor activities which the state is known for.